
Tougher Than Sudoku – A Smackdown Recap

June 2nd’s Smackdown came to us from Rockford, Illinois. After a lame RAW, Smackdown felt refreshing.  I’m not sure if...

Michael Cole-ing – Your Smackdown Recap for May 26, 2016

This Smackdown comes to us from some swanky auditorium with a great water feature in Norfolk, Virginia. A Night of...

A Handful of Tights, A Smackdown Recap for May 19, 2016

This week’s Smackdown interview was decent.  It was filled with a lot of little moments that I really liked.  Let’s...

Ain’t No Party Like An Uppercut Party – Smackdown Recap – May 12, 2016

This week’s Smackdown comes to us from Des Moines, Iowa.  I’m inspired by Matt’s recent Non-linear Raw recap and am...

Payback is a Mitch – Smackdown, May 5, 2016

Smackdown takes us to a dark and stormy night in Kansas City (Kansas? Missouri?  I’m not sure which).  I keep...

Smackdown before Payback with Special Guest Mel Gibson!*

*Mel Gibson thankfully not included.

Smackdown is WAR – Our first attempt at a live stream!

Welcome to our first Live Stream/experiment.  The feed starts at 8:00 PM EST/5:00 PM PST.

Another Smackdown Recap

Another Smackdown Recap

I didn’t realize that Matt was also doing a recap at the same time but here’s my thoughts enhances with...



Smackdown is filmed on Tuesdays.  If you want spoilers, go somewhere else.  I don’t care about knowing what’s going to...

First Smackdown on the Road to Wrestlemania 2017!

First Smackdown on the Road to Wrestlemania 2017!

Welcome to my GIF-filled, stream-of-conciousness Smackdown recap! Opening with Roman.  The Houston crowd is confused.  Definitely a more split crowd...